AAUW Research


Women are paid only 80 cents, on average, for every dollar paid to men. The gap is even larger for most women of color, where Latinas are paid 53 cents and Black women are paid 61 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. This report examines how gender pay gaps exist in every state and nearly every occupation — and solutions for how we can close it!

Learn more on AAUW’s website and read their report.


Student debt is making it nearly impossible for many women to afford their basic living expenses after graduating from college.

AAUW’s 2021 Deeper in Debt report finds:

  • Women hold an average of $31,276 in student debt, leaving them with a monthly loan payment of $307 the year after graduation. Given that women graduating with a bachelor’s degree expect to earn an average of $35,338—only 81% of what men anticipate earning—meeting that loan obligation is challenging at best.
  • One year after college, women spend an average of $920 per month on housing, $396 per month on a car loan and, for the 16% of women who are moms, $520 on childcare, the report finds. Adding in that $307 student loan payment makes it difficult—if not downright impossible—to make ends meet.