About Morton AAUW

The Morton Illinois branch was chartered in November, 1975. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, September through May.  AAUW Funds is an integral part of the organization.  Money from these funds is used to award a scholarship to a local woman for a postgraduate degree and to contribute money to AAUW Funds to further advancement of women.  Fund raising projects in recent years have included selling concessions at Arts in the Park and the Morton Fine Arts Concerts.

Morton Branch officers for the 2024-2025 year are as follows:

Elected Officers:
President- Heather Thompson
Program Vice Presidents – Bonnie Joos & Mike Gunn
Membership Vice President- Jennifer Ellison
Treasurer- Linda Young
Recording Co-Secretaries- Juel Bennewitz & Cheri Patterson
Corresponding Secretary- Paige Hadsall
AAUW Funds/Community Officers- Sally Davis & Mary Venden

Appointed Officers & Committee Chairs:
Hostess Chairperson- Suzanne Ligon
Local Grant Chairperson-Jill Greenwood-Williamson
GEMS Chairperson- Judy Griffin
Publicity Officer/Historian/Webmaster-Alissa Williams
Public Policy Representative-Caroline Jones
International/Cultural Representative-Judy Triggs
Education /Women’s Issues Representative- Paige Hadsall.

Attached you will find the current Bylaws and Branch Policies for our Chapter.

Morton Branch Bylaws

Morton Branch Policies

Membership Form